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About 20for20

We never stop learning about what makes multifamily companies tick and why one size never fits all in our industry

About 20 for 20

We never stop learning about what makes multifamily companies tick and why one size never fits all in our industry

Multifamily Consulting. Connections. Content.

We learn what is top of mind in multifamily through the work that we do. The work that we do builds relationships with the leaders of our industry. Our industry insight gives us a unique and constantly-changing perspective, and we can’t stop writing about it!

Multifamily Technology Solutions: Finding the Fit

The more you learn about technology in our industry, the more you see it’s a question of fit.
Multifamily companies are many and highly varied. What works for one may not work at all for another. Successful tech companies have their niches—the better they understand and leverage them, the better they tend to do.

Operators have to keep up with an ever-expanding ecosystem of new technology companies and products. That can be hard, which is why we create expert content that helps operators understand what’s changing in the technology environment.

What We Do for Tech Companies

If you’re a vendor and you’re suspicious of the potential of marketing to move the needle on your revenue performance, this section is probably not for you! If you get it, read on. It’s frustrating when the market just doesn’t get it. You build GREAT products, and you still can’t quite get the market to understand how you’re any different from the competition. It’s a crowded market with many tech companies getting funded, so it’s harder than ever to stand out. 20for20 draws on years of experience marketing and selling multifamily technology with a strong bias towards demand-generation strategies and tactics. With deep industry expertise and creative skills, we identify what will sell your product, create killer content, and develop imaginative ways to get it in front of your prospects. If that sounds like help you could use, please give us a shout!

Dom Beveridge

Dom has held leadership roles in consulting, technology and marketing for more than 25 years. He created 20 for 20 – the multifamily industry’s leading survey of operations and technology in 2018 while working as a Principal with D2 Demand Solutions.

Before joining D2, Dom spent five years in a variety of roles with the Rainmaker Group, including as their CMO, responsible for all aspects of marketing and lead generation until its sale to RealPage, Inc. in December 2017. While at RealPage, Dom oversaw the integration of Rainmaker and was responsible for delivering and improving the annual user conference: RealWorld – the multifamily industry’s most extensive content program.

Dom started his career in the travel sector, implementing, designing and ultimately selling enterprise revenue management systems and projects across Europe. He then worked for several years as a strategy consultant for Capgemini Ernst and Young in Australia before returning to price optimization with JDA Software, Inc. in the USA. In June 2019, US Patent 10332134 was awarded for “Travel Price Optimization,” a pricing solution that Dom co-invented a decade earlier during his time at JDA.